Joanne Donovan

In the text, Textiles from our place: exploring connective textile making as a phenomenology of locale Joanne Donovan explores many different ideas connected to her practise of craft making textiles. A particular idea that stood out to me was the concept of improvisation within a material driven art practice. Donovan describes this by saying, “Textiles are made from chance discoveries, so the methods used, and the outcomes achieved, are not pre-planned.”1 By improvising art in this way you allow the subconscious mind to interpret and create new artworks that could never exist otherwise. The materials go through a transformative process of discovery. A type of discovery that changes how I look and think about materials. Breaks down the materials to their most basic properties, colour, ply and fibre. When I implement these techniques in my own work I find a kind of magic happens. The journey of the creative process becomes more enjoyable then the finished piece. There is an emotional connection to the work for the artist and the viewer. “Emotional or narrative connections between people and textiles are often the reason why a textile or piece of clothing becomes part of a lived experience. Links are drawn to people or the past, or to intriguing experiences.”2 Texture has a deep connection for everyone as it’s an unavoidable part of life. Being able to tap into those emotions to engage myself and an audience is something I want to explore. 

 1Joanne Donovan, “Textiles from our place: exploring connective textile making as a phenomenology of locale” (PhD thesis, A.U.T., 2022), 4, Tuwhera open access.

2Ibid., 7.