Sheila Hicks

Sheila Hicks is a fibre artist who started in the in the 1950s. She was a pioneer of the fibre arts and continues to make art today. Hicks focuses heavily on her materials by manipulating them in interesting and new ways. In many of her older works, such as Multi-coloured Minime, she used the technique of weaving in a grid structure. The small inconsistency draws in the eye reflecting the imperfections within ourselves. 1

Hicks has a diverse practise that has developed over many years. Although I use similar materials to Hicks I’m draw more to her way of thinking when it comes to materials. In an interview posted on the Moma art website Hick said, “I don’t want to go do something I know how to do. I want to go do something I don’t know how to do.”2 Within the art world fibre art, as a respected art form, is still relatively new especially when compared to the centuries of documented painting and sculptures. At the moment we are in a time of experimentation. Learning and pushing materials and fibre art to its limits. I want to be apart of that and create art that has never been seen before, the same way Sheila Hicks does.

1 Andrew Gardner, “Sheila Hicks: American, born 1934,” Moma, accessed March 27, 2023,

2 Ibid.