Teresa Lanceta

Teresa Lanceta is a Spanish textile artist inspired by Moroccan hangings and North African textiles. Lanceta learnt this ancient style of weaving from local Berber women in 1985 after spending time in the Middle Atlas Mountains. While there Lanceta emersed herself in the weaving communities she and discovered a newfound appreciation for these age-old customs and techniques. 1 Lanceta works on a heddle loom slowly creating her textiles over long periods of time. Her memory plays a key part in the design as the work is rolled up as it’s made; the entire design is only visible once the weaving process is complete.2

Something that resonates with my own work is the idiosyncrasies that Lanceta uses to create her textiles. The process of giving your body control of the making process, without over planning or sketching designs first, allows a form of creative expression never seen before. Intuitive ways of working force you to embrace your mistakes and questing why they are mistakes in the first place.

1 David Trigg, Vitamin T: Threads and Textiles in Contemporary Art, (New York: Phaidon, 2019), 158-159.

2 Ibid.