Studio Practice 2022

Experimentation Lab

Base Yellow

This piece plays with scale. Not making the entire piece bigger but the individual elements bigger. I created bigger pom poms and weaving with thicker yarn. The beading I normally do was too small for this work. I used a…

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Pink Yellow

This pieces was all about bringing together all the different techniques I have been using over the course of the year. Beginning with needle punch; then embroidery with a multitude of different stitches; followed by knitting/crochet, pom poms and beading.…

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Climbing Coral II

Climbing Coral II is an extension of the first piece. I wanted to play with scale to create a visual representation of growth and movement. I wanted to explore the idea of growth that I have seen in mold bio…

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Climbing Coral

For this piece I was inspired by different images of coral. The interesting shapes and colours. I’m interested in exposing this further. I only made a small amount to see if my idea was viable. The next step is to…

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Ocean sunset

I have been looking at the ocean and sea life recently and was inspired to use these colours that remind me of the sunsetting. With this piece I wanted to explore a more obvious representation of the natural world. The…

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For this piece I wanted to play with shapes. I started off by drawing different shapes and having them react to each other. I really like the spontaneous way the shapes came out. I didn’t want to over think the…

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Mapping My Process

To figure out what drives my practise I began by drawing simple shapes that I like to use. Then I began experimenting with how these shapes can change as they interact. I like to use the ‘bean’ shape and then…

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Drawing with thread

I’m currently trying to generate new ideas into my work. I took the drawings, in the image above, and made six new pieces in response. I used a sewing machine with a special foot that allows the push and pull…

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Back to Mark Making

Recently I have been experimenting with shape, colour and texture. I have combined needle punch with hand sewing 4 ply yarn to create a range of textures. My idea was testing how to fill space. The needle punch is very…

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Eco Dying

I was inspired by Caroline Bell to try some eco dying. As it’s winter I struggled to find bright plants and petals I could use for this exercise. I found some purple basil flowers and leaves, mint and money tree…

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New Techniques

Recently I have been learning different techniques and skills in order to introduce new textures in to my practise. As well as thinking realistically about how I create. I really enjoy embroidery however it is incredibly time consuming. To combat…

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Bringing In New Ideas

This exercise was about looking at someone else’s work and talking about their work with them. I was paired with Emily Burr. In her work she focus on lines and how they intersect. She prefers to use both extreme; either…

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Exploring Textiles

Knitting on a big section was too liner for what I wanted. I decided to knit lots of small petal shapes and combine them together. I was able to manipulate the shape and create a dynamic 3D affect. This mini…

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Making My Own Canvas

I have been inspired by the artist Jan Beaney (The 62 Group & Jan Beaney). I want to experiment with creating my own canvas and starting point. It can be restricting using set sizes and shapes. My first attempt was to…

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Unintentional Mark Making

Instead of being influenced by images and marks I decided to take the thinking out of it by letting the ink determine the shapes. The deliberate folds contrast with the patchy marks. There is a balance between the intentional and…

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Visual dialogue

Visual dialogue – Contrasting Images My concept to begin was to just start making. I started on the left and decide to make an abstract image. As well as sticking to a pink colour palette. I also decided to play…

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Drawing Provocations

Drawing Provocations Below are four different drawing and mark making exercise designed to help change the way you think about your approach to drawing. In changing the way you approach something you can experiment with new ideas to create something…

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